Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hair Loss In Women Caused By Hormonal Imbalance

Hair Loss In Women Caused By Hormonal Imbalance    

It Can Be Caused By Menopause, Excess Stress, And Pregnancy, Among Others    

Hormonal imbalance can result in hair loss in women. One of them is caused by menopause, in which there is an excess on testosterone. Before menopause, women produce testosterone, which is compensated by the production of estrogen. After menopause, estrogen production decreases, and the effect of testosterone increases, affecting the activity of the hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and even hair loss. Stress can also cause hair loss due to the production of the hormone cortisol, which prepared the body for potential danger. This hormone constricts blood vessels, affect the blood supply to hair follicles, and shows as a dull hair. Pregnancy is another clear example of hormonal imbalance. While pregnant, a woman has excessive hair growth because of growth factors, hormones, and better blood circulation for the baby’s development. After giving birth, hormones decrease to a normal level, resulting in hair loss, but it stabilizes after several months. Learn all the causes of hair loss due to hormonal imbalance in women. Click here for more details.


A Long And Healthy Hair Requires More Than A Good Shampoo

A Long And Healthy Hair Requires More Than A Good Shampoo    

It Also Requires A Proper Diet, Scalp Cleansing And Avoiding Excessive Heat    

Long and healthy hair is not obtained just by using a good shampoo. Proper hair care includes trimming to get rid of damaged ends, scalp cleansing to remove dead skin cells and dirt, a protein diet to nurture the hair follicles. Also avoid excess hot water and heat treatments, which can make the hair dry and brittle, and harsh chemical treatments. Check this advice for healthy hair. Additional info click here.


Homemade Recipes That Will Help Control Dandruff

Homemade Recipes That Will Help Control Dandruff    

Dandruff can be annoying, especially d you are using dark clothes. There are shampoos that can control it but there are also natural homemade recipes that will take care of it. For example, lemon and coconut oil will help restore the pH balance of the scalp. Garlic has anti-fungal properties that will help control it, and eggs contain biotin, which is one of the best vitamins for the scalp and will help contain dandruff. Check how to make the recipes. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Symptoms Of Graves’ Disease Include Heat Intolerance, Hair Loss, And Anxiety

Symptoms Of Graves’ Disease Include Heat Intolerance, Hair Loss, And Anxiety    

This Autoimmune Disease Also Causes Inflammation Of The Tissue Behind The Eyes, Pushing Them Forward    

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease consisting of excess production of thyroid hormones. The symptoms of this autoimmune disease are heat intolerance, tremor, hair loss, anxiety, and irritability, among others. Another symptom is the inflammation of the tissue behind the eyes, pushing them forward. It is more common in people with an autoimmune condition, such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. There are medications that suppress iodine, the principal component for thyroid hormone, from getting into the gland, which suppresses the secretion of this hormone. More info click here.


The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid - And Can Also Interfere - With Its Normal Processes

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid - And Can Also Interfere - With Its Normal Processes    

Some Are Locate In The Hair Follicles And Scalp, The Intestine, And Even Cause Bad Breath And Cavities    

The human body is a house for millions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help maintaining good health. These bacteria also help to contain the growth of harmful bacteria. However, if the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria get out of balance, leading to fungus infections or bacterial yeast. Some of the microorganisms live on the eyelashes and inside the hair follicles. There are other bacteria in the form of yeast in the scalp. A poor diet or other causes could cause an imbalance, leading to rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Other bacteria in the hair is located in the armpits, responsible for the strong smell, which is caused by their combination of fatty acids and proteins in sweat. It is also well-known that there are intestinal bacteria that aids with digestion. In fact, according to specialists, the typical healthy adult digestive system has almost four pounds of microorganisms consisting of over three million genes. There are also bacteria in the mouth which aids with digestion, but there is also another type of microorganisms that are harmful, which are responsible or cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Check all the types of bacteria and microorganisms that live in the human body. More info click here.


Castor Oil Can Promote Hair Growth In Men And Also Fight Female Alopecia

Castor Oil Can Promote Hair Growth In Men And Also Fight Female Alopecia    

It Also Prevents Dandruff By Moisturizing The Scalp    

Castor oil, along with olive oil, have health properties that improve the body hair and skin. Also, castor oil can promote hair growth and strengthen the hair, because its rejuvenating effect and a component called ricinoleic oil. Researchers have found that a substance, called PDG2, is more abundant on the scalp of bald men, compared to men with normal hair. They also found that ricinoleic acid inhibits this substance, resulting in hair growth and regeneration. It can also help treat female alopecia because it’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Another benefit is the prevention of dandruff. It contains minerals, omega-6 fatty acids, and vitamin E, which moisturizes the scalp. Check all the health benefits of castor oil for the hair. More Information click here.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Arthritis Drug Showed Positive Effects On Hair Growth

Arthritis Drug Showed Positive Effects On Hair Growth    

Another research by Yale and Stanford has also shown that a drug for arthritis rheumatoid can also be used for patients with Alopecia. The drug is called tofacitinib and is marketed as marketed as Xeljanz, and stops the attack of the autoimmune cells on the hair follicles and scalp. Additional information click here.